Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Queen of KaKa

For some reason I seem to be a poop magnet. It seems that lately I've been surrounded by bodily fluid/solid waste of some type or another. Just this morning, I had to clean up 3 lovely piles left by the dog while I was peacefully sleeping. Baby wipes in hand I scrubbed and scrubbed, wishing just once he would try the pristine new piddle pad I had set out for him earlier.

Last week my daughter came into my room, crawled into my bed, reached over for a cuddle, and was soaking wet. She hasn't had a nighttime accident in ages and ages. First day of vacation spent hunting down a Laundromat , and washing sheets, mattress pad, comforter and smelly jammies. At least I got to work on the grocery list while wash washed and dried. Laundromats are such great hangouts on Saturdays.

Not to be outdone, the dog whizzed on the sofa.

Back in the day when I worked for my groceries, I adjusted insurance claims. During the course of my career I was assigned: a lawsuit involving cat pee on a rooftop, deer droppings in a pond, an elderly man who peed on a chair while at a friends house, and an angry home buyer claiming that the seller defecated on the carpet before moving out of his new home (the seller's had lived in the home for 25 years and kept their house cleaner than my house on the housekeepers best minute.

My coworkers nominated me the "Queen of KaKa". If they only knew my most recent accomplishments!

It seems like I am surrounded by the offensive fluids lately. Hubby (bless his heart) got me a puppy for Christmas and I have been praising and punishing every little emission. Now he's talking about getting a female friend for the puppy - Yipee! Yipee! it sounds like more pee!

Potty training my toddler was a whole lot easier. I just let her go along on her own. Believe it or not, we never read potty stories or sang fun potty songs. Maybe I missed something by not resorting to the stories and songs? Who knows?

What I know for sure is that my KaKa days are not even close to being over yet. I just need to buck up, keep plenty of paper towels at the ready, and think of a name for the new puppy. I'm thinking Puddles (i mean Bubbles).

Please pass the baby wipes.

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